Personal GPS Tracking

As parents and car owners we understand the challenges and worries that are experienced when it comes to ensuring the safety of our loved ones. If they were to get lost, run into trouble or something worse, you have the comforting knowledge that you will be able to assist them or the emergency services.

We all know what a major inconvenience it is when your car is off the road. What if you were to have your car, boat or bike stolen, and the drama and major inconvenience this causes? Having a GPS tracker installed will allow you to assist the Police to quickly GPS locate and recover your property.

Key Benefits - Personal GPS tracking

  • Cheaper Insurance Premiums.
  • Locate and protect your classic car, hot rod, boat, bike, etc at the click of a button.
  • GPS trackers allow you to locate and assist the Police to find your vehicle or asset if stolen.
  • Receive alerts if your asset if it moves outside a defined area.
  • Monitor younger driver's driving behaviour by following their routes and monitoring their speed.

Protect the things you value the most. With a click of a button locate your valuable asset, or be alerted if it moves when it shouldn't.

Click here to view our pricing information. Contact us on 0800 837 434 to discuss a GPS tracking solution for your GPS tracking requirements.